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        Cross Reference information is provided as a guide only. Please refer to the "Applications" lookup tabs for more detail. Materials and designs will differ among brands, so plugs are not exactly alike. Always check with your OE service manual for proper installation and settings.

        Rear wiper blade installation instructions for DENSO Roc Lock 2 wiper arms, and conventional or designer style wiper blade connectors.

        CAUTION: The replacement blade connector is made of RESIN. Please avoid excessive force and use care when removing and installing.

        Note: Wiper blade center bar has a flat spot which must be aligned correctly for proper removal and installation.

        Note: This wiper blade ‘bump’ aligns under the wiper arm. (See steps 3 & 4)

        Rear wiper arm ROC LOCK 2 and DENSO replacement blade

        1. To remove, rotate wiper blade to proper angle to detach. CAUTION: Do not forcibly detach.

        2. To install, align wiper blade center bar to fit into wiper arm

        3. Adjust and snap the center bar into the wiper arm

        4. Rotate blade to closed position, and click into place