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        Cross Reference information is provided as a guide only. Please refer to the "Applications" lookup tabs for more detail. Materials and designs will differ among brands, so plugs are not exactly alike. Always check with your OE service manual for proper installation and settings.

        DENSO’s revolutionary Twin-Tip design uses the latest OE technology in combination with Platinum and Titanium, two highly durable precious metals. The center electrode is created using an extremely durable Platinum alloy that allows for the reduction of the tip size to 1.1mm in diameter, to increase performance, while still maintaining plug life. The Titanium-enhanced alloy on the ground electrode further increases durability, which is critical to minimize tip erosion and allow the high-performing Twin-Tip design to function over the long term. These design features combine to offer better performance through reduced quenching which results in a larger spark and faster flame propagation for a more complete combustion and maximized fuel efficiency.