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Searching for your parts in the DENSO part catalog is easy. Simply select the type of part you are looking for along with the year/make/model of your U.S. or Canadian vehicle. For vehicles in Latin America, please go here.


        Search for cross reference part numbers for other manufacturers of the parts you're looking for.

        Cross Reference information is provided as a guide only. Please refer to the "Applications" lookup tabs for more detail. Materials and designs will differ among brands, so plugs are not exactly alike. Always check with your OE service manual for proper installation and settings.

        When the TPMS light comes on and stays on, it means that at least one of your tires is at a low-pressure level. If the light flashes for approximately 60 to 90 seconds when you start your car and remains illuminated, it means that your TPMS system isn’t functioning properly and you should take your vehicle to a service center for an inspection.